Overview of the Healthcare Industry

India's healthcare sector is rapidly growing, driven by government initiatives and increased investor interest. This growth is attracting significant investments in hospital assets and highlighting key funding trends. Our infographic explores these developments, showcasing India's pivotal role in global healthcare investments and the potential for substantial returns in this vibrant market. Dive into the data to understand the dynamic landscape of healthcare real estate in India.
June 6, 2024
1 min

The Indian healthcare industry's rapid growth, driven by government initiatives and increasing investor interest, is significantly impacting commercial real estate. This infographic delves into key funding rounds, highlights top cities by investment, and provides a global overview of healthcare investment growth. It showcases India's leading role in attracting healthcare-related funding, with several Indian cities ranking high globally. By visualizing these trends, the infographic offers a clear snapshot of the dynamic interplay between the healthcare sector and commercial real estate investments.